This is a summary of the portfolio. If you need more, go to sections:
research & development, video, photo, music.
Research & Development
1 Label Studio and Heartex AI Platform
2 Speech recognition solutions
3 TfMicro: Lightweight framework for Tensorflow
4 Testarium: Research tool, open source
5 ECG Demodulator and iOS/Android Mobile App
7 Loopseque/MovBeats. Audio/Video sequencers for iOS
8 Adaptive noise reduction system based on multi-resolution FFT
9 Tool for plasma modeling and visualizing
10 Publications
Web Development
It's not my primary life purpose to make sites but I can do it a little if need :)
1 caselog.ru [2008]
All kind of exhibition goods transportation services all over the world
2 tka4.org [2008]
Students portal and study materials
3 ele-spb.ru [2009]
Air clean equipment
4 antongorbunov.com [2010]
Anton Gorbunov — Russian virtuosic bass player, composer and teacher
5 moving particles [2013]
School training web apps for physics
6 pelemele [2014]
Restaurant day
7 testarium.makseq.com [2014-today]
Documentation for research tool
8 datar.pro [2015]
Tag everything in your life
9 makseq.com [2015-today]
This site ; )
10 timis.ru [2015]
Water and air ozonization company
11 storyboard software [2017]
Storyboard software for cinema
1 KazakSkazka: VFX scene2 TIMIS: Ozone destructors
3 Anton Gorbunov: Moon Calendar
4 Salt Peanutz: Music clip
5 TIMIS: Water treatment stations
6 Q-Cis Trood: CRM
7 Baker-Maker: Bakery and cake decoration
8 Ambidextrous: Live in Duma
9 Arishka: Child birthday
10 IQ Band - Gorky
11 Kle2Go - Good Taste feat. Mario Kaldararu
12 French Tech Tour (France embassy)
13 Zorge (ex. Tequilajazzz) - Valentine
14 Swell Dancing
15 Kle2Go - Folklor Moldovan Theme
16 Wanna dance!
17 Summer
18 Cipher
19 Blood
I use Canon 7d with Sigma and old Soviet lenses in work. Lightroom is applied for the batch processing, Photoshop and RPP are used for the most successful shots.