Mikrotik Nat netmap/dst-nat

Map external router port to local machine port:


if nat doesn’t work: you need use masquerade in NAT:


i3 config

i3 install
https://i3wm.org/docs/repositories.html — here is ubuntu stable repo

sudo apt install xbacklight


/etc/systemd/logind.conf —> HandleLidSwitch=ignore

i3 blocks
/etc/i3blocks.conf (or /usr/local/etc/i3blocks.conf)

stop shift+alt language change
nano /etc/default/keyboard -> XKBOPTIONS=»grp:ctrl_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll,numpad:microsoft»
install gxkb / xxkb

save language for each window
apt install gxkb
.config/gxkb/gxkb.cfg > toggle_option=grp:caps_toggle,grp_led:scroll,numpad:microsoft

audio fn keys
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec amixer -q -D pulse sset Master 3%+ unmute
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec amixer -q -D pulse sset Master 3%- unmute
bindsym XF86AudioMute exec amixer -D pulse set Master 1+ toggle

one way reset displays & display config utility
mutter --replace

pycharm launcher in console
pycharm => tools => create command line launcher

sudo apt install scrot xclip
bindsym Print exec scrot -u ~/screenshot.png && xclip -selection ‘clipboard’ -t image/png ~/screenshot.png

tap to click
xinput —set-prop «SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad» «libinput Tapping Enabled» 1



Davinci Resolve change Timeline framerate

It’s impossible to change framerate for created timeline in Davinci Resolve. But I have one solution: you can find still frames by size (the 24th and 25th will be the same; and their sizes are same too).

  1. Render video as tiff sequence (or exr, no matter) and save it into ‘root/tmp/<image_sequence>.tiff’
  2. Redner audio as wav and save it to ‘root/out.wav’
  3. Download and put  this script to ‘root/remover.py’
  4. Run script
    1. if you have whole black frames find its size in bytes and replace BLACK_FRAME_SIZE = 5124 to your size in script
    2. it will find consistent dublicates of frames and move it to ‘root/tmp/mv’
    3. It will rename all files after dublicate to fix hole in sequence names
  5. Make new project and insert your tiff sequence and audio into the timeline

3D stereoscopic settings section is not visible / missing

1 To make Stereoscopic 3D appear in Nvidia Control and work.. you have to set your 3DTV as the PRIMARY display!!

2 Maybe you should to disable FastBoot in bios and turn on UEFI with CSM

3 Reinstall NVidia drivers with clean install checkbox